Jan 15Liked by Nina Spolar - Nini

Thank you for the inspiration, Nina! Finally got myself a sketchbook just for daily practices... looks like it may be 'sketch only' because this paper weight isn't much - it MIGHT be able to hold a bit of water... but it's good to play with ink and pencils again.

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Jan 14Liked by Nina Spolar - Nini

Hi Nina, You are not only a creative artist but writer as well. I really enjoyed reading about your journey, exploring so many opitions for creative notebooks with various watercolours, pens, pencils etc. I'm very new to substack and don't really get the 'note' or 'chat' options, I just post on a note but seem to get into difficulty finding my posts lol. I do love to paint and draw but have been out of it for awhile cos I've been focusing on writing and so for me, it's my daily creative practice. This year my aim is 250 words a day and one would think that's not many words at all, yet my first real poem is 215 words. The nice thing about poetry is that there are no real word limits so I will go with the flow on writing what feels right. It's lovely to connect with you on Substack and thanks so much for following me as well. Sending you love and light 🩷

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