My Weekly Creative Boost is still going on nicely. Above is a close up from last week’s image I ended up doing yesterday, last minute really, but I did it and that’s what’s important. In my experience, accomplishing at least something, no matter how small it might be, is stil better than not giving a try at all. Ego mind will always jump in and tell me that that little something is no good at all, but it is my choice whether to listen and agree with it or not.
This month has been rather heavy in terms of loads going on internally which means I don’t have so much energy to use up on things externally. BUT!
Being creative daily is definitely an antidote for pretty much anything. As are walks in nature. And I ALWAYS find it so crazy that I keep forgetting this. It’s like someone would delete these knowings a second after I remember them. Does this happen to you too?
Well, having a little sketchbook on my desk is definitely a good reminder to pick up my crayons and just have fun with them. I also got myself some brand new art supplies and made a pretty page in my biggest sketchbook by just swatching them.
I still have Pan Pastels to try out and I am looking forward to that too :)
Are you having a creative project going on as well? If yes, I would love to hear about it. If not, I am inviting you to do a weekly creative play with an image I’ll send straight to your inbox. I set everything up on my Patreon page so come have a look to see if it resonates with you.
There’s still a few days left of February so let’s get cracking as my friend would say :)
I am wishing you a lovely and playful rest of the month. Hope to have you join me on Patreon! :)
With much love,